Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Digi Me Too!

I have been busy digi scrapping ever since I realized there were soooo many free kits out there. The kits for these 2 LOs were both downloaded for free from CK. I have used Microsoft Picture It for years and have now progressed to Digital Suite. So far, all that I have downloaded work one way or the other with my software. Yea! The halloween kit is Rhonna's and I am not sure about the other.
As Bonnie already said, I could never give up playing with paper, and therefore I have been working very hard on my Italy pages. To tell you how far behind I am , this trip took place in March , 2005! I love the mess and the texture of handson scrapping!
I am also posting Week #4 from Emily Falconbridge's Art Journal challenge. Her prompt was "a symbol that you love". Guess what mine is!!! Thanks for your comments! *c

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